Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dallas Morning News column

Well i'm glad a journalist could admit she was wrong. I take that as an apology to the victim for jumping to conclussions about her. I have heard from professionals in the PR world that I've been shadowing from a class that if a journalist gets a story wrong, they won't appologize. I sitll believe that is right but it's probably because they are so busy they don't have time to go back and check on the story.

I believe this correction was able to get made because while the writer may have been writing informative stories for the paper, she was a columnist and had more freedom over what she could write. People do read her stuff for her opinions - so her writing this, I think, got more coverage then if it had been a normal reporter.

Nonetheless - go her! I'm glad she can tell everyone she jumped to conclusions and was wrong.

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