Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Jena 6 media coverage

I had actually not heard of the whole Jena 6 controversy before this class. Watching the movie the class blog. I then did a Google search for 'Jena 6 stories' and read some of the stories about this issue.

This did get some national coverage, being in the USA today and on, but since school started I just haven't been watching or reading the news as much as I did during the summer. I also think that maybe it wasn't covered as much nationally as it would get covered if it was white kids in trouble. Lots of local newspapers in Louisiana are covering it and the local citizens want to have non-violent demonstrations to protest, and I think because it is a group of black kids, unfortunately they do not get as much press as white kids would have gotten.

I'll keep a look out for more news coverage and see if my opinion changes.

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